Transport & Logistics

As a manufacturer, retailer or logistics service provider, you need to know exactly where your goods shipments are at all times, where they have come from and when and where they are supposed to be delivered.

GS1 is working to provide completely accurate real-time visibility throughout the supply chain, from source to consumer, regardless of the transport method.

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in Transport & Logistics


Projects within transport & logistics


At present, most parties in the supply chain receive products from suppliers packed in cardboard with a plastic wrapping for stability. They then often have to unpack these and transfer them into other boxes for handling and picking in the warehouses, and for dispatch. This leads to additional waste and extra manual work for staff.

For this reason, GS1 has developed the GS1 SMART Box. This is a standardised and reusable transport box intended for delivery to warehouses, for handling in the warehouse and for distribution to stores.

This interesting concept increases the efficiency and sustainability of logistical operations. Some specific examples include:

  • unpacking/transferring into other boxes is no longer required. This means a reduction in manual work, keeping costs down; 
  • stacking the boxes requires no plastic wrapping for stability. You can also stack higher, meaning trucks need to transport less air.

The GS1 SMART Box is an initiative of GS1 Germany, and has already been tested with various stakeholders on the German market. Given the positive results, we wish to upscale this on a European level. 

If you are interested in this promising concept, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

Digitalisation in the logistics world is the future and digital documents will play an increasingly important role in the supply chain. Just think of one of the most used transport documents: the CMR. The digital e-CMR is a must, but there is still a lot of work to be done for the e-CMR as a definitive standard format is still lacking at the European level.  

At GS1, we therefore plan to set up a few pilot projects around the e-CMR in order to help create this standard format. Interested in these pilots? Then be sure to contact

Scan4Transport is a global standard for coding transport data on a logistics label. The standard supports all stakeholders in the supply chain.

This standard makes it possible to establish the most important data required for bring a shipment to a proper conclusion, due to using a 2D barcode on a standardised logistics label. All transport data required is coded in a new generation barcode (GS1 DataMatrix or QR code powerd by GS1) and printed on the label in order to facilitate tracing the transport of various kinds of freight by simply scanning this 2D barcode. 

This new standard within transport and logistics ties in perfectly with our global migration to a new generation of barcode in retail. We also see this applying to other sectors in the future, since the possibilities of a 2D barcode are extensive, particularly the high readability, the considerable coding capacity, the small dimensions, and the link to the digital world.

Be sure to view this video for more information

If you are interested in this GS1 global standard, please get in touch with us at

We’ll be happy to assist you further!

Guidelines automated distribution center

Together with national and international suppliers and retailers, GS1 established a manual for delivery of loaded pallets to an automated distribution center in Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands and France.

Download this manual here


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Call for participation

GS1 Belgilux wants to launch pilot(s) with interested members, in order to provide input for a future global e-CMR standard.

Interested? Please contact!