How does My Product Manager determine that the product information is complete and correct?
The datamodel determines which product characteristics can be listed in the standardised product sheet.
The validation rules determine which of those product characteristics must always, in certain cases, or may optionally be filled in. The validation rules also sometimes determine what the possible values of a particular product characteristic may be. Each validation rule is associated with an error or a warning, which is triggered if the rule is not complied with.
Both the data model and the validation rules are recorded per sector.
The data model and validation rules are programmed into My Product Manager.
Feedback validation rules
My Product Manager will indicate differently depending on the setup used whether a product data sheet contains errors or warnings:
- My Product Manager web interface users (https: //myproducts.gs1belu.org) receive immediate feedback when saving the product sheet.
- Users who publish to My Product Manager from the GS1 Global Data Synchronisation Network (GS1 GDSN) will receive a reply message (CIC: Catalogue Item Confirmation) from My Product Manager.

All My Product Manager users who register product information in My Product Manager, can follow the quality of their product sheets through an integrated quality report.
- Suppliers who introduce product information only see the report for their own products.
Manual data quality report for suppliers
- Companies that receive product information see the general report with all products, excepted the products for which they have been OPT-OUTed.